Case Studies.
Check out our recent case studies to see what we’ve been up to lately. We can build just about anything (this is software, after all), so if you’re ready to get started:
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codeigniter: CodeIgniter Platforms
Etalon Diagnostics
The Challenge: Etalon provides genetic identification for performance and companion animals (think 23andMe for horses). We were brought on to re-architect their aging, CodeIgniter-based genetic testing platform in a modern stack, introducing a new brand and current design patterns.
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Mobile Apps
Executive Network’s Engage
The Challenge: Provide a virtual environment for the executives who are members of our Executive Networks to interact with one another and ask question, run online blogs and facilitate face-to-face meetings and events.
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Elgg Platforms
World Bank eScoop
The Challenge: The World Bank was in an emergency mode after bringing in an open-source collaboration platform (Elgg) that they had no in-house experience with. Their internal development team had started customizing and changing it to fit their needs but ended up in over their heads.
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Elgg Platforms
Health Modeling Community
The Challenge: Develop a web-based system for aggregating, organizing, and displaying lecture content (images, videos, published papers, noted, etc.) related to public health modeling. In addition to allowing scientists and researchers to easily search and locate relevant lecture materials, the system includes a “suggested content”engine that allows related content(e.g., the example models built in that video, or the slides used in that video) to be shown.
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Wordpress Platforms
Vibrant Nation
The Challenge: Develop a new content management platform for that nation's leading lifestyle community for women 45 to 60. Increase unique visits, visitor and social engagement, views per session, and advertising revenue.
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Elgg Platforms
Movewme Hobby Network
The Challenge: Design and develop a hobby enthusiast community that combines the engaging community features from Raverly and Hobby Lobby with the easy-to-use marketplace and promotional functionality of Etsy.
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Magento Platforms
CorrectToes Wholesale Storefront
The Challenge: Take over design and development for Portland native NW Foot & Ankle's Magento storefront. Implement a wholesale portal, integrated WordPress CMS, Mailchimp email marketing, and other UX enhancements.
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Elgg Platforms
Griffin Groups Conservation Network
The Challenge: Create a community platform to allow conservation communities to co-manage projects, collaborate on solutions to current conservation challenges and share best practices.
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Elgg Platforms
The Child Care Square
The Challenge: The Child Care Square is a web service that allows parents seeking child care to email every licensed child care provider within a 5-mile radius. They came to us looking to enhance their service offering with a private community site, exclusively for child care providers, to provide a private, professional space for connecting, communicating and collaborating -- a full-featured childcare software platform.
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Elgg Platforms
Lullaby Sitters Matching Platform
The Challenge: Lullaby Sitters is an online networking community that connect parents and sitters in the Indianapolis area. They help connect their members online and in person thru our exclusive “Speed Sitting” events (think speed dating, except for a sitter). They came to us seeking to streamline their offline registration, sitter matching and event mangagement processes with a custom web/mobile application.
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