Featured Elgg site #7: RIBA Knowledge Communities

pClare Sinclair wrote to tell me about the Elgg-powered site she has been developing at RIBA (Royal Institute of British Architects):/p

pemquot;The RIBA Knowledge Communities project provides both online and face-to-face support for architects and other professionals in the industry. The groups feature support specialist subject areas and each has a chartered architect as a Champion, volunteer/staff Facilitators, and named subject Expert Peer Groups. Some #39;communities#39; are new collaborations, others are a new model for established committees. The site has required significant
customisation and plugin work, such as improving the#0160;user interface, and
developing the calendar plugin.quot;/emspano:p/o:p/span/p

pa href=http://www.riba-knowledgecommunities.com target=_blankRIBA Kowledge Communities/a is a closed site, but here are a few screenshots./p

img src=http://c4lpt.co.uk/images/kc1.png /
img src=http://c4lpt.co.uk/images/kc2.png //pp

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pWould you like us to feature your Elgg site? If so, please find out how on the a bitly=BITLY_PROCESSED href=http://janeknight.typepad.com/elgg/get-featured.htmlGet featured!/a page./p

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pThen find out more about ou a bitly=BITLY_PROCESSED href=http://www.c4lpt.co.uk/slinabox.htmlSocial Learning in Box Services/a/p

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