Elgg Plugins.
We recognize the value of open-source software. Our Elgg developers are dedicated to releasing as many Elgg plugins as we [legally] can back to the community. Select a plugin below to get it on GitHub.

Site Admin
A few useful administrative solutions for your project.
No Exports Dev Emails CSV Process
User Admin
Gain more control over your user management.
Delete Me Block Users Deleted User Content Password Reset Group Member Invite Group Member Manager
Third Party Integrations
The best of both: the power of Elgg combined with third party solutions..
Stormpath SSO Highlight OExchange
Extend Elgg’s capabilities with our communication plugins.
Twilio SMS provider Elgg Notifications SMS Sendgrid Comment Access Sync Messages File Transfer Crushes
A placeholder sentence about what your eCommerce plugins can do.
Stripe Subscriptions Stripe API
A placeholder sentence about what your eCommerce plugins can do.
HybridAuth Client for Elgg
A placeholder sentence about what your eCommerce plugins can do.
Tooltip Editor Image Orientation
A placeholder sentence about what your eCommerce plugins can do.
Friends ACL Solr Search Auto Username HTML Excerpt